BMS 7S-14S

battery management system that protects your battery from short circuits and other issues. It supports LiFePo/Li-ion/NMC batteries!

Based on NXP S32K – ARM Cortex M4 and MC 33771AEF
Captures – Cell/Pack – Voltage Current and Temperature
Support BLE/CAN & UART Communication
Supports LEP/Li-ion/NMC – Batteries
Pack/Cell OV/UV/UC/OT/UT during charge & discharge cycles
Passive cell balancing
Short circuit Protection and handling fault events
Supports SOC, SOH and OCV
GUI Support
Works in master slave architecture
Accuracy @ 0.8mv voltage measurement error
Supports RTC/LC
Multiple Temparature Sensors – Provision


BMS 7S-14S is a battery management system that protects your battery from short circuits and other issues. It supports LiFePo/Li-ion/NMC batteries!